The modern office cubicle originated back in the 1960s as a convenient and easy way to set up separate office spaces for employees without the need for so many building supplies. Additionally, cubicles are designed to be movable, which allows you to change the configuration of your space, add more cubes, or take your offices to a new building easily.

However, in today’s fast-paced workspace, have cubicles remained a practical design choice for the modern office? Below, we’ll take a look at the function of cubicles, the different designs, and how they can help you create the space your employees need to thrive.

What are Office Cubes?

Office cubes, or cubicles, are designated workstations that are partitioned off from other workstations via moveable walls. These walls are used to create mini offices that are less confined than individual rooms but still allow the privacy needed to focus in many offices.

Cubicles come in many colors, heights, and materials, so it’s easy to customize the workspace to your office and brand.

When Did Cubicles Become the Standard?

Back in the ’60s, office cubes were designed to open up office spaces and create a “flow” in the workspace. The design allowed business owners to configure their space to their individual needs without needing to keep all their employees confined to separate offices and closed off from one another.

Are Cubicles an Effective Way to Set Up an Office?

It depends largely on the type of workspace you are trying to create and the kind of work you intend to get from your employees.
Cubicles are a very effective way to set up private spaces for your employees, so if your team doesn’t need to collaborate to complete their tasks for the day, cubicles are an excellent option. They are also perfect for call centers or any work that requires a lot of time on the phone. Because the cubicles separate the workspaces of the individual employees, it can help to create a better space to focus and stay on task.

If you’re looking to create a space that encourages your employees to talk and collaborate on a daily basis, cubicles might night be the best option. You can design cubicle workstations without walls, which is better for collaboration. Still, many modern businesses have found that a mix of workstations is the most effective way to design an office.

What are the Benefits of Using Cubicles?

Primarily, cubicles reduce distractions at work and lower noise levels, which makes it easier to make phone calls and focus on individual tasks. Cubicles also give your employees a private place to go to complete their work.

Additionally, cubicles are designed to be easy to move and adjust, so you can take them with you if you move office locations. Another benefit to office cubes is that they are simple in design, so it’s easy to keep them looking modern and fresh.

What Options are Available Other Than Cubicles?

If you’re looking for more separation between your employees, individual offices are an option other than cubicles. Individual offices give the maximum amount of privacy for your employees, so it can be a great way to inspire concentration and attention to detail.

Another option, if you don’t want to use cubicles, is to create an open-concept workspace. This design is open to interpretation, but it often means having workstations that are grouped together without walls separating them. The idea behind these designs is to encourage discussion and problem-solving between your teams.

Whatever office space you envision for your business, Ideal Office can help you build the space for a fraction of the cost! We offer new, used, and refurbished office supplies to help you get ready for business for less. Contact us today to get a quote for your needs or take advantage of one of our office planning services to help you design your space.